Local SEO is simply the process of optimising a website so that it appears higher within the organic search results and also so that the company appears Google My Business results.

Google’s algorithms will take into account the proximity of where the person is at that moment in time.

For example, if they ask Google to find for a “local MOT station”, then that person will be shown local garages based on exactly where they are standing at that moment in time. If they are North of Cardiff, garages will be shown in that area, as that’s where they are at that time. Google will presume you want businesses which are close to where you are standing at that point in time.

If they were to change the location later on the day, let’s say to a different part of Cardiff, the results would be different again within the Google My Business results.


How important is that business within the local area? How many quality backlinks does the website have for example? How many positive reviews they have?


How relevant is the business to the product or service the persons looking for it? For example, somebody might ask to find a local bakery, and they may also ask Google to find companies that make wedding cakes.

Therefore, there might be a bakery just around the corner, but if the website doesn’t stipulate that they make wedding cakes, then that business is unlikely to be shown in the results.



Why we think your business needs to invest in quality SEO

In our opinion, there are often many excellent SEO consultants in any given city; these people can help to place your business higher within Google’s organic search results and help to get your business ranked in the Google My Business results as well.

When you think about how many shoppers use Google daily, to find everything from post office opening times to finding a local solicitor. As a matter of fact, Google’s global search engine market share was 92.06%.

A representative from Google also stated in 2018 that 46% of Google’s searches have local intent.

This is why so many businesses invest in seo, as it can help your business to draw in more customers.


Here is what you should think about before investing in SEO: whether you will outsource this work to a local marketing agency or perhaps you would like to do it yourself, we would highly recommend that you must understand white hat SEO.

For example, that gives you a quick example of what not to do; let’s say that you are creating a Google Business Profile; you might think it’s a brilliant idea to add a keyword you want to rank higher for on Google. For example, you might add the company’s name, plus electricians and the name of the city where your business is based.

But you shouldn’t do this, you should just write your companies name, as it appears on companies house.
So for example, if “electricians + name of city” is not part of your business name, then don’t add this within the business name section on

Google My Business, this is not a white hat. This is just one example, of what not to do, there are a lot more.
In a nutshell, only use white hat seo methods.

NAP details

Your business premises, where you meet your customers, this will form part of the NAP information.

NAP information represents your company’s name, address, and phone number.

We can help your business improve your local SEO

We have partnered with many businesses here in South Wales for over 10 years, to help get those businesses onto page one of Google.

We have helped these businesses dramatically increase the number of organic shoppers which visit their websites. This has helped those companies to increase their profits.

If you would like to learn more about how local SEO can increase your sales, why not give us a ring today?